Master biomedical engineering

Living matter is characterized by a high level of complexity due to its multiscale & dynamic organization.

The Master of Science and Technology in Complex Systems Engineering (MScT CSE) in biomedical engineering addresses such complexity of life and of major future challenges.
Chmie moleculaire

Type de diplôme



2 years




Full time


Campus Marseille



Complex Systems

This Master’s degree meets the need for engineers, trained at an international level, able to design, implement and manage “complex systems”.

Apply now

Feel free to contact us for any further information.

Étudiantes manipulent matériel de chimie


Environmental, biological or human systems, which lie at the core of current major challenges, are “complex systems” whose overall behavior is controlled by the interactions of all its multiple elements.

Understanding, modeling and handling such systems require specific skills that students will acquire through the exceptional academic and applied training environment of this Master’s program. lt will provide you with a rich interdisciplinary educational experience in biomedical engineering and prepare you for a professional career in optimal conditions.

Beyond the wide academic knowledge gathered, you will also enrich yourselves with a broad range of experiences:

  • Labs/companies visits, seminars...
  • Soft-skills and management courses
  • Up to 10 months of work & research placements (projects, clinical/research/ company internships...)
  • A multicultural international experience in southern France & Learning the French language

This Master’s degree aims at training bicultural engineers with strong and broad scientific & technical skills, coupled with solid experience in management, innovation & research.

National diploma - Master's degree accredited by the French Ministry of higher education.

Complete program: content 140 ECTS / 1150h / full english track.

Our supports

Logo Amidex


The MScT CSE of Centrale Méditerranée is a world-class research and higher education program, supported by the Amidex label, the Aix-Marseille Initiative of Excellence.

Learn more about Amidex

Logo UNESCO Unitwin

UNESCO Unitwin

The program has close ties with the Chaire UNESCO Unitwin 651, and promotes the sustainable development goals, supporting prosperity while protecting the planet. Learn more about Unitwin 651

Program highlights

  • A full-time 2-year Master's program
  • 100% taught in English
  • Courses are delivered on the Campus of Centrale Méditerranée in Marseille, and online.
  • The program includes more than 8 months of internship in laboratories or companies, in France or abroad.
  • Upon completion, students will get a French higher education diploma (National Master's Degree) certified by the French Ministry of Education and recognized all over the world.
  • Small cohorts with solid scientific background, coming from all over the world, willing to learn sciences and management to impact the world.
  • High-level classes delivered by renowned professors, experts in their field of research. 
  • Diversified knowledge and activities: sciences and management classes, research in labs, internships in a company (in France or worldwide), intercultural and languages courses, conferences and webinars, students activities…
  • A dedicated team to ensure integration and connection within the school and its ecosystem: international affairs, career department, students union and alumni association


Program scheme

Biomedical engineering

In a context of life expectancy increase, new pandemic threats, climate change and exhaustion of fossile resources, biotechnologies represent hope to address these crucial challenges. At the crossroads of engineering and life sciences, bioengineering brings a new paradigm as well as innovative solutions for issues on health, disability inclusion, sustainable production, reduction of the ecological footprint, or even innovative modes of power production.

Living matter is characterized by a high level of complexity that comes from its multiscale & dynamic organization. The Centrale Méditerranée Master's track in Biomedical engineering addresses such complexity of life and of major future challenges by covering a large number of topics related to biomedical engineering:

  • Multiphysics and multiscale tissues & systems modeling,
  • Quantitative imaging for diagnosis and therapy, imaging techniques & devices,
  • Bioinformatics/statistics, data science & machine learning, signal & image processing,
  • Material sciences and biomechanics, CAD & design of medical devices,
  • Biotechnologies, bioprocesses & chemical therapy.

Biomedical engineering syllabus →

Admission and fees


The MScT CSE is open to students and young professionals from all over the world. Diversity of cultural background and gender are valued. The master’s course is fully taught in English - B2 level (independent user) is required.

The Master’s program is designed for undergraduate students with a strong background in sciences: licence/bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) in physics, mechanics, applied mathematics, civil engineering, or engineering sciences.

Direct entry in M2 is possible with a validated M1 (60 ECTS) or relevant professional experience.

Engineer Students from Centrale Méditerranée can apply for the Master (M2) for their Césure (S7 / S8)

Application process & Schedule

Applications for the academic year 2024-2025 are open from January to 1st June 2024.

The application process is organized in two stages:

  • Pre-selection based on application: Please download our application form, complete it and send it with supporting documents to
  • Selection based on an interview 
Dual degree & exchange students

Engineer students from partner universities can apply for the CSE degree or credits via their home university. Check our International Network here.

Apply via your home university: your nomination must be sent to

Your application will be processed through our international platform mobility online. The code for the program is Centrale Méditerranée – Master CSE.

Fees & Scholarships


  • European students: €6 750 / year*
  • Non-European Students: €10 379 € / year*
  • Students enrolled in or coming from either a member institution of the RMEI or a partner institution of Centrale Méditerranée with which an agreement has been signed: 50% of the applicable fee

* including the Master's tuition fees defined by ministerial decree each year + €6 500 of training fees not eligible for exemption for social-grant holders or French government grant holders.

Specific exemption for Centrale Méditerranée's preferred partners with whom an agreement is in force: one total exemption per course and per year (M1 and M2) for each partner, according to academic success criteria (based on the decision of the admissions committee).


  • TIGER Scholarships for academic excellence will be awarded to the best students.

To benefit from a TIGER Master's excellence scholarship is to benefit from financing (up to €10 000 for one academic year), accommodation (reservation of a room in a CROUS residence) and a privileged welcome.

Eligibility: international students never enrolled in a higher education institution in France and not of french nationality
NB : being awarded a TIGER scholarship does not exempt students from paying tuition fees when they register at Centrale Méditerranée.

For the 2024/2025 academic year, the application for the TIGER master's excellence scholarship is made automatically when you apply for the MScT CSE.

Career prospects

This Master's program is designed to provide students with high-level specialty knowledge and transferable skills to pursue careers in companies, global corporations or non-governmental organisations or for those interested by research to pursue their studies by a PhD.

This Master’s program aims at training project manager engineers capable of managing complex projects and teams.

The Biomedical engineering Master’s program is designed for the main biomedical engineering specialities: biomechanics, medical imaging, biomedical instrumentation, orthopaedics, clinical engineering, etc. Your scientific & technical skills as well as those acquired in project management and change management will open up numerous employment opportunities, in particular in Research & Development engineering, consultant engineering, audit engineering, academic project engineering, and management.

Student in chemistry platform

Webinar replay 2024

Global experience

Centrale Méditerranée promotes the values of excellence, innovation and responsibility, and belongs to the prestigious Groupe des Ecoles Centrales, the public reference in engineering education in France and worldwide.

The school is involved in International Networks: TIME, RMEI and Gay Lussac, and contributes to the main International Programmes: Erasmus+, Brafitec.

MScT CSE students have access to the 7 laboratories of the school and all the collective facilities and events.

Up to 10 months of lab, clinical or company internships


Julien Fade

Julien Fade

Maître de conférence,
Graduate School Program Director,
Head of the MScT CSE's Biomedical Engineering track,
Head of the Bioengineering S8 semester at ECM.


Chiara Paterno

Recruitment and Student Management Officer
Graduate School


Alice Rageot

Graduate School Program Manager

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