Procedures for going abroad

Application forms for students going abroad
Application forms for Outgoing students can be accessed through the portal →.
For Semester 8, students can choose between:
- Academic (outgoing).
- Internship in laboratory (outgoing).
- Double degree (outgoing) .
If already registered, students can go directly to Mobility Online →.
Grants and scholarships
To cope with the diversity of personal situations, and because Centrale Méditerranée requires 100% of its students to have at least six months' international experience, the École is developing partnerships and seeking all kinds of funding solutions to enable each student to fulfil his or her professional and personal project.
Mobility programmes carried out under an exchange agreement do not involve any additional tuition fees. However, depending on the country of destination, the budget required can vary considerably, both in terms of travel costs and living expenses.
The École offers grants to help cover additional costs incurred by mobility. These grants are limited and are not systematic.
Examples of grants include
- Erasmus+
- Franco-German University
- Arfitec
- Brafitec
- China Scholarship Council
- Monbukagakusho
- Mexfitec
- Conseil Régional Sud "ARMIE" grant
- CROUS mobility grant
Information about all available grants and the application procedure can be found on Moodle → (access reserved for Centrale Méditerranée students).
Accommodation is recommended to be arranged through Housing Anywhere →, a platform for exchange students.
Housing Anywhere → also lets you find and book your future accommodation abroad, choosing from over 40,000 student homes in more than 500 destinations around the world.
Students can also legally sublet their accommodation during their absence to exchange students arriving at the university.