Erasmus+ programme
Running until 2027, Erasmus+ provides opportunities not only for students but also for staff members.
By merging eight previous programmes, it offers a wide range of opportunities to various individuals and organizations.

Erasmus+ programme
Since its creation, Centrale Méditerranée has considered the quality of its international partnerships as a strategic axis for its development in teaching and research.
Centrale Méditerranée is pursuing this international development by improving its attractiveness and broadening the political, functional, and geographical scope of its cooperation with its partners.
With the 4 other members of the Group of Écoles Centrale we have opened relocated campuses in Morocco, India, and China to meet the growing demand for engineering training in these countries and to train managers for the European companies established there.
To ensure sustainable, high-quality partnerships, Centrale Méditerranée's priority is to balance incoming and outgoing flows by adapting the range of courses on offer to foreign students:
- Double degrees ;
- credit exchange :
- laboratory internships ;
- Master's degree.
The compulsory international experience of at least one semester for engineering students is already effective, and the goal is to accommodate 30% of international students by 2024.
Centrale Méditerranée shares common principles with its partners in terms of engineering education and educational engineering, coupled with a diverse multicultural approach.
In Europe, Centrale Méditerranée's affiliation with the T.I.M.E. (Top International Managers in Engineering) network, an organization of institutions providing top-notch training in the engineering sciences, has allowed it to establish numerous collaborations with institutions renowned internationally for their engineering education.
There are several objectives for Europe: to create a balance in student exchange programs by offering a variety of options across all European Union countries and neighbouring nations, to contribute to the development of the European training and research area.
Currently, 70% of outgoing mobility is within Europe. It remains a privileged area for the School because of the European framework established by the Bologna Declaration and the resources made available by the various European bodies to facilitate collaboration and exchanges.
To deepen all aspects of international cooperation, Centrale Méditerranée has also been developing mobility for all its staff (administrative, technical, and teaching) since the 2014-2020 programme, with the aim of sharing best professional practices, bringing teaching models closer together and facilitating the management of exchanges. The mobility solutions offered to students and staff meet the same requirements of equality (non-discrimination, inclusion), quality and control of the level of content.
Connections with the professional world
Historically, French engineering schools have been very close to the business world. Their governing bodies and EU policy are actively encouraging them to enhance other forms of collaboration, such as ongoing and alternate training, remote campuses, and online learning.
Centrale Méditerranée evaluates the needs of regional and international companies and provides them with customized programs. This approach allows both domestic and international students to take advantage of the ecosystem in which Centrale Méditerranée operates, including competitive clusters, incubators, and business incubators. In the same vein, innovative alternate courses centred around an entrepreneurial project are accessible to students.
Centrale Méditerranée has answered the call for Erasmus+ applications, serving as both a coordinating institution and a partner. The school actively participates in these programs and aims to cultivate cooperative projects in the realm of training (both within and beyond Europe), innovation, and research with strategic allies.
Centrale Méditerranée has various areas of collaboration with other continents
Through its membership of the Mediterranean Network of Engineering and Management Schools (RMEIM), Centrale Méditerranée is enhancing cooperation with countries around the Mediterranean, particularly the nations of the Middle East and North Africa. The network facilitates and amplifies the relationship between universities and Grandes Écoles by promoting the accreditation of engineering courses (EUR-ACE label) with partners outside the European area.
This comprehensive approach is crucial to the excellence of our training programs, bringing them closer together, facilitating exchanges between partners, and ultimately enhancing the employability of the engineers and scientists trained.
- In Asia, Centrale Méditerranée has collaborations for engineering training with institutions in China, Japan, and Taiwan. The development strategy focuses on new collaborations in South-East Asia with the aim of diversifying the training offerings for outgoing students and enabling Asian students to take advantage of study opportunities in Europe. The initial partnerships are envisioned for scientific collaborations that will provide opportunities for mobility at the Master's/Doctorate level.
- In Latin and South America, Centrale Méditerranée has numerous multilateral partnerships with student flows that are moving towards equilibrium. The goal is to foster exchanges at the Master's level (such as double-degree agreements, semesters, or years of exchange) and at the Doctorate level, with the partners' aspiration being to enhance cooperation in research (Magalhaes network).
- For North America and Australia, Centrale Méditerranée has entered into a limited number of partnership agreements. There is a high demand from Centrale students, but they face financial challenges due to the economic structure of higher education in these countries. Canada serves as an enticing destination, welcoming several Centrale Méditerranée students each year for double-degree programs. The equilibrium between incoming and outgoing flows is achieved through the creation of innovative bilingual training programs, designed to attract North American students at the Bachelor's or Master's level for a semester. Centrale Méditerranée collaborates with partner laboratories that have been recognized for their scientific excellence by the HCERES and can offer research internships.
The financial assistance obtained through participation in the Program enables all students to participate, ensuring that everyone can pursue their desired international mobility and develop the associated skills.
In conclusion, the internationalization of Centrale Méditerranée is an appealing factor for French students and contributes to the overall improvement of recruitment quality. The identity of Centrale Méditerranée has been greatly influenced by the intensification of student mobility, and the international dimension is now an essential part of the curriculum and the professional aspirations of all students.
Centrale Méditerranée holds the Erasmus+ Charter for the period 2021-2027.