Engineering Cycle

The key elements at the heart of Centrale Marseille’s approach to academic studies in engineering are research, project management and international activities.
This programme is spread over a three-year period including three semesters of obligatory courses, a transition semester, dedicated to studies at international partner universities or modules for a personalized programme, and, two semesters focusing on more advanced sectoral and professional themes, including an obligatory course, an optional course (six options available) and an engineering course (six specialist career options).
Admission to Engineering Studies at Centrale MarseilleMost students sit the Centrale-Supélec Administrative Examination following a two-year study programme at a French Preparatory School (Classes préparatoires).
In addition, given Centrale Marseille’s commitment to international admissions, it offers students with an undergraduate degree in Science and Technology (B.Sc. or similar 3-year diploma) or a University Diploma of Technology (UDT or similar 2-year diploma) plus the Higher Technician Adaptation Examination (ATS - one year of study).
Each year, 320 students are admitted to Ecole Centrale de Marseille.
- Admissions based on public examinations
- Other admissions
Engineering Studies Admission of foreign candidates is not based on written examinations but on an assessment of their application by a jury.
Only students from TIME universities or other universities in partnership with Centrale Marseille are eligible.
Contact : International Transfer Service, internationalmobility [@] centrale-marseille.fr
Tél. : +33 (0)4 91 05 46 59 ou +33 (0)4 91 05 45 56
- Partner Institutes
- To be admitted to Centrale Marseille as an exchange student, you need to fill in an on-line application form via our portal.
- The International Cycle (limited to students taking a double degree with Centrale Marseille and a partner university): admission to Centrale Marseille (Year 1) after obtaining a Licence, a B.Sc or equivalent for a two-year course of studies following an application submitted by their first university and assessment by Centrale Marseille’s Selection Committee.
For more information: International Relations website
Admission by public examinationA commitment to excellence through selection of engineering students. Students in Preparatory Classes
To be accepted at Centrale Marseilles, students are required to sit the public entry examination.
They prepare for this examination by attending Science Preparatory College for the Grandes Ecoles which usually requires a minimum of two years after matriculation.
These Colleges’ unique objective is to prepare students for these public examinations and they are often linked to senior secondary schools (lycées).
- Centrale-Supélec examination: 225 places
- Centrale Supélec examination - International Cycle; 5 places
- Joint Physics & Technology examination: 5 places
- ATS: 5 places
- CPI Federation Gay Lussac: 5 places
In order to ensure the excellence of admissions to Centrale Marseille, students are accepted on the basis of their results in the Centrale-Supelec entrance examination. National Centrale-Supélec Entrance Examination
In 2015, 225 places were available
Mathematics & Physics Examination (MP): 80 places
Physics, Technology & Industrial Science Examination (TSI): 5 places
Physics & Chemistry Examination (PC): 80 places
Physics & Engineering Sciences Examination (PSI): 60 places
Admission to Centrale Marseille’s International Cycle programme is open to non-French candidates who have not studied in France and who are resident in Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia and Gabon.
Candidates will sit the Joint Mines-Ponts entrance examination in their home country. They must have completed their secondary education in one of these four countries and their application must be presented through a high school (lycée) recognized by the French Embassy in that country.
Centrale Marseille offers 5 places to students in this category:
Mathematics & Physics International Examination (MP CI): 2 places
Physics, Chemistry, International Examination (PC CI): 2 places
Physics & Chemistry, International Examination (PSI CI): 1 places
The Centrale-Supélec examination is run by the Joint Examination Service which has its offices at Ecole Centrale de Paris.
All requests for information on this examination (application forms, requests for marks, information on the organization of examinations, complaints, archives, etc. ) must be addressed to:
Service du Concours Centrale-Supélec
Ecole Centrale de Paris
Grande Voie des Vignes
Tel.: + 33 Fax: +33
More information, instructions for registration, dates, and online registration are available on the web site for the Engineering Schools’ Examination Service or the Centrale-Supélec Examinations web site.
Students having passed the ATS diploma: 5 places.
Preparatory Classes for the ATSDiploma An ATS Class is a one-year preparatory course open to students with an industrial BTS or DUT (two-year diplomas) who wish to be admitted to Grandes Ecoles in Engineering for a wide range of specialised courses.
This examination is organized by the ENSEA Examination Service.
For more information, contact:
ENSEA,Examination Service
6, avenue du Ponceau
95014 Cergy-Pontoise cedex.
Tel.: +33 1 30 73 62 28/27 Fax : +33 1 30 73 66 08
Centrale Marseille recruits 5 candidates who have passed a common entrance examination following Preparatory Classes in Physics & Technology (P&T).
Joint P&T ProgrammeThis is a programme available to all schools recruiting in the field of Physics & Technology. It was established in collaboration with other examinations including Mines-Ponts, Centrale-Supélec, Polytechniques, ENS de Cachan, ENSAM and Ecole Polytechnique.
This examination is run by the Examination Service of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers in Paris.
For further information, contact:
Joint P&T Programme - Examination Service
Arts et Métiers ParisTech Service concours
24, rue Pinel 75013 Paris
Tel : +33 1 44 06 93 30/31/36
To contact the service
Joint recruitment system for admission to all Écoles Centrales: open to students in the 3rd year of their undergraduate degree.
Admission examinations CASTIng is the Joint Admission Service for engineering degrees offered by the Écoles Centrales Group CASTIng is a common recruitment service for students in Year 3 of a Licence (L3) in countries using the LMD system or of a Bachelor degree in other countries.
Applications can be submitted by students in a wide range of Science degrees (Mathematics, Mathematics & Computer Science, Physics) who are interested in studying Engineering.
To simplify the recruitment process, all applicants are required to sit an examination organized in a single location.
Number of places available: 20 at Centrale Marseille.
Admission procedureThere are four elements for admission: a written science examination, an oral science examination, an English test, an interview.
Candidates can choose to sit the two science examinations in Mathematics, Physics or Mechanics.
KEY DATES: [the exact dates are published in December]
- Period for online pre-registration: Mid-January to end March
- Final application forms due: 2nd week in April
- Assessment of applications by Jury: mid May
- Admission examinations (written and oral) at Centrale Marseille: mid-June)
More information available on the CASTing website
Recruitment in Year 2To enter Centrale Marseille in Year 2, candidates with a Masters I or similar degree can apply to enter Centrale Marseille in Year 2 of its Engineering degree following assessment of their results and an interview with the Admissions Jury.
This form of recruitment is only available in exceptional circumstances and for particularly brilliant students.
Deadline for submission of applications: mid-June
The Jury will select candidates on the basis of an assessment of their previous course results and a personal interview.
Candidates are strongly advised to prepare a complete application that provides all pertinent information as clearly as possible.
Any application that is incomplete or late (postmarked no later than 12 June 2020) will not be taken into consideration by the Jury. In some cases, candidates may be asked to provide additional information (e.g. statement of results).
This must be sent by email to : vie.scolaire@centrale-marseille;fr
After assessment of applications by the Admissions Jury, interviews will be held on the last week of June.
Candidates will be contacted about the Jury’s decision and the date for the interview by post and/or by telephone.
Interviews will take place after 6 July 2020.
Application to be sent to :
Admission by Jury Selection – Year 2
Pôle de l’Etoile
Technopôle de Château Gombert
38 rue Frédéric Joliot Curie
Download the application using link at the bottom of this page.
Switchboard: 04 91 05 45 45
Students Service : 04 91 05 46 06 - bureau2a@centale-marseille.fr
Academic Course Administration : 04 91 05 43 51